Friday, September 23, 2011

Berea College

     When I heard about Berea, I was really thrown off guard.  I didn't know there were colleges that guaranteed a student 100% paid tuition if they were accepted, but that's exactly what Berea does.   The college has a strong belief that a student's income should not dictate their outcome.
     Berea is, unsurprsingly, in Berea, Kentucky.  Like the majority of colleges, the culture at Berea is very diverse, but there is an uncommonly high percent of Berea students that study abroad.  About 50% of students that attend Berea study abroad either during the time they are working towards their major, or after they have already succeeded, and are continuing their education.
     Primarily, Berea is known as a college of liberal arts, but over 50 majors and minors are offered.  Bachelor's degrees are offered in 28 fields.  Dual-degree engineering programs are offered, which are affiliated with the University of Kentucky and Washington University, located in St. Louis.  There are 14 teaching programs and 20 national academic honor societies.
     Currently, I am unsure of my pathway I'm going to pursue regarding my future career, but when I determine it, Berea will certainly be on my list of possible colleges.  The tuition program offered is an incredible opportunity, and I particularly enjoy the heightened diversity and cultural experiences available at Berea. :)


  1. Once you make your decision please let me know how I can help you get your application ready. This would be SUCH a good fit for you.

  2. I was shocked just by reading this!! I would love to have a link to go to but that's just my lazy side seeping through. :D
