Tuesday, February 7, 2012

[B7] Unusual Art Mediums (Surgery Make-up)

After doing my mixed media project, I realized that there are an infinite amount of mediums one can use to create art.  This blog is dedicated to exploring the most unusual, awesome art mediums out there.

Beginning with trash.  This sculpture is called Lips by Tom Deininger.

The next unusual medium is recycled carrier bags.  This is called the Eden Project.

This medium is colored pencils.  The usage, however, is far from what you would expect.

This next sculpture by Liz Hickok is quite a bit more appetizing than the others.

Music becomes visual in this next sculpture, constructed using cassette tapes.

This piece called Chemical Balance is constructed using prescription bottles.

This music tends to flow over you. ;)

Artist Scott Wade uses one of the messiest mediums–dirt.

An infinite number of mediums makes for a wonderful world of art. :)  

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